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They have smaller ears to conserve heat. Foxes from warmer areas have larger ears to help dissipate heat.

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Q: Do arctic foxes keep warm or cool?
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Why do Arctic foxes live in the polar region?

There are no Antarctic foxes. There are, however, Arctic foxes.

Are arctic foxes cold or warm blooded?

Arctic foxes are mammals, which means they are warm blooded.

Are artic foxes are warm bloded or cold bloded?

Arctic foxes are warm-blooded because they are mammals.

Do Arctic wolves need to cool off?

no, arctic wolves do not need to cool off because they have fur. fur helps all mammals keep warm. arctic wolves are mammals.

Do Arctic foxes survive in very hot weather?

Well the foxes in the arctic are lets say "special" they can live in the cold but not really the warm and hot the foxes lets say in Canada are really different from the ones in the arctic :)

Do red foxes prefer warm or cold weather?

No, because that's why it has its fur! Its fur helps keep it warm.

Do Arctic foxes have blubber?

no, their thick coat keeps them warm during the winter

Is air conditioning to keep you warm or cool?

It keeps you cool, and heating is to keep you warm.

Why are fennec foxes different from Arctic foxes and gray foxes?

The difference between the fennec fox and the arctic fox it that the fennec fox lives in hot conditions, and the arctic fox live in colder conditions. Also, they don't look like each other, the fennec fox has large ears so it can loose heat fast from it giant span, and it is has a much smaller skeleton to the arctic fox. Also, the fennec fox is an gingery colour. The arctic fox has small ears so it doesn't loose as much heat so it can stay warm in it harsh environment, it has white fur, and a much bigger skeleton to the fennec fox.

How animals in the polar reign keep warm?

A1. thick fur and hibernate During the colder monthsansw2. Lemmings at least do not hibernate, and perhaps Arctic Foxes as well.

Why do Arctic foxes have big bushy tails?

well they live in cold so they need to keep warm like we do and their ears persevere heat so it don't come out of their head so they definitely keep warm its just like us. Type in Google why do artic foxes have bushy tails and there is actricles on there check them out eh

Are Arctic foxes cold blooded?

No, they are mammals therefore they are warm-blooded. They stay warm in harsh climates because of their fur.