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Both. The speedier one leave (evaporate) while the ones left behind slow down.

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Q: Do atoms speed up or slow down when water is evaporating?
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How do you get the water back after evaporating it from the salt?

Whilst it is evaporating hold a large jar over the top to catch the steam, when it cools down you will have the water without the salt and it will be pure.

What speed breaks down atoms if any?

Speed does not break down atoms in itself, but high speed collisions do, and that happens at very high temperatures, because temperature is random motion on a sub-microscopic scale.

When the rain begins to fall why doesnt the water flow down to the staurated zone immediately?

It takes water a while to filter down through the soil and roots to reach the saturated zone the speed depends on how peremble the ground is the watercycle then lowers and raises the watertable by adding water through rain or by evaporating water to remove some.

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due to attraction of the earths gravity the water will atrracted by it

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Fresh water has more sound speed. Spongy water is what slows down speed of water.

How are the water cycle and a lava lamp alike?

The water cycle involves water evaporating up, forming condensation, and going back down. A lava lamp involves water moving up, staying for a second, and falling down, however in blob form.

Does light speed up as it travels through water?

No, light does not speed up in water, it slows down.

Can molecules be broken down into simpler substancers?

Molecules are simply atoms bonded together, so yes, they can be broken down into atoms. Such as a water molecule, which is made from two hydrgen and one oxygen, and can be broken down into those atoms.

Can water be further broken down into other chemicals?

I would imagine that due to water being a molecule consisting of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom that breaking it down into these atoms is possible.

What is causes of precipitation?

Cold air and warm air coming together in a front, or water evaporating, condensing into clouds, and then the clouds fall down as rain.

What causes percipitation?

Cold air and warm air coming together in a front, or water evaporating, condensing into clouds, and then the clouds fall down as rain.

How much does water slow you down?

Depends on the quantity of water and speed of wind.