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no, they transport vigear to the brain through blood.

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Q: Do axons receive nerve impulses
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What are nerve Processes that receive impulses and conduct them toward the cell body?

Axons are processes that receive impulses and conduct them toward the cell body.

Do Axons carries impulses toward the nerve cell body?

No, axons carry impulses away from the nerve cell body.

What nerve processes transport impulses to the cell body?

Axons are the nerve processes that transport impulses to the cell body.

What portion a neuron conducts nerve impulses away from the neuron?


What provides for the transmission of nerve impulses way from the cell body?


What is the association of axons with nerves?

Axons conduct the nerve impulses, or action potentials, to the axon terminals and the synaptic cleft.

What carries impulses toward the cell body?

Nerve cells carry the impulses around the body to the motor neurons. Nerve impulses are received and transmitted to the cell body by axons.

Axons and dendrites?

There are 2 types OS nerve fibers, called axons and dendrites. The axons carry nerve impulses away from the cellbody, while dendrites carry them towards the cell body.

Saltatory conduction refers to the conduction of impulses in?

It is the "skipping" pattern that impulses follow to travel down nerve axons.

What impulse conduction is the fastest in neurons?

Axons conduct the nerve impulses. Dendrites receive the impulses. Possible the impulses go through the dendrites faster, though the synaptic cleft may slow this pathway. Dendrites are much shorter than axons.

What direction does nerve impulse travel?

Along a nerve cell, the impulse travels from the axon to the dendrites and then again to the axons through the synapse.

What is an axonopathy?

An axonopathy is a disorder or disruption of the functioning of the axons - the nerve fibres which conduct nerve impulses away from the body of the cell to a synapse.