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It is instinctive, mainly a way to express herself. They cry whenever they want.

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Q: Do babies learn to cry when they are hungry or is it instinctive?
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Why do babies cry for?

Babies cry for many reasons. They may be hungry, thirsty, wet or simply unhappy.

Why do babies criy?

Babies cry because they are hungry or they are tired or they need diaper change!!

Why do infant babies cry?

there are many reasons. Maybe the infant must be feeling unwell or most commonly babies cry because they're hungry.

Why babies cry for no reasons?

There are many reasons why they cry. Maybe they have a belly ache, hungry, something is hurting them, they are scared, just to name a few.

Do kittens cry a lot when its bed time?

Sometimes they will, especially if they are trying to get used to a new area.Kittens are just babies. And like human babies they will cry/meow when they are scared, hungry, confused, tired, want attention etc..

What are some reason that the new born baby cry?

The crying of baby is just a basic instinctive communication. Everything is incredibly new to them, every feeling, every experience. Generally, the main reason that most babies cry is to try to express a variety of feeling including hunger (i.e. a baby is usually hungry when he or she rouses from sleep, etc.), discomfort, over stimulation, boredom, or loneliness.

Why does babies cry?

Crying is the only way for a baby to express itself, the baby might cry because he/she is hungry, tired, lonely/wants attention, feeling uncomfortable, in pain, there are probably other reasons also which I hope someone else will add.

Do babies cry differently depending on what they want?

It's said that newborns cry when they are sleepy, hungry or gassy. They don't know much else at a young age! See the related links for an article on recognizing your baby's cry.

Do silicone babies cry?

No silicone babies do not cry

When do babies cry?

Mostly when something is wrong such as: being hungry, teething, diaper, sleepy, or sometimes they are just crying for no reason. hope this helps you. :)

What makes babies cry?

if they are hungry or thirsty, if they pooped or peed themselves, or they want to be cuddled, or they are just in a bad mood, and maybe if they are tired even

Why do newborn babies always cry?

Newborn babies can't communicate by talking so they communicate by crying. If a newborn baby is crying they are likely telling you that they are either: hungry, tired, gassy, cold or hot.