

Do babies need food

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Of course! babies need food. they are humans just like us and they need to eat just as much or even more than we do cause they are growing lil things.

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Q: Do babies need food
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Babies need lots of time, love, and attention. they need food, healthcare and a parent's love.

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Yes, babies need water. Water is often supplied to infants through milk and food (yes, there is lots of water in both!)

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no they need to be a certain age to leave their mom. they need their mom for food and warmth

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Babies are in need of lots of things such as love, attention, food, sleeping, diaper changes, toys, a nice warm bed.

What foods should babies eat and why?

The foods babies should eat are very soft food, like mashed bananas or baby food ect. this is because babies obviously have no teeth and therefore need food that they can directly swollow without having to chew through anything they're not able of chewing.

Where do hamsters have there babies?

They usually dig a hole to have there babies in. The will have the babies in the hole, the babies are small pink things, you will usually not see them because the mother is on top of them. You will know if your hamster is pregnant if she looks fat and is collecting food and putting it in a certaint spot, maybe buried. They are collecting for when they give birth and need food.

How much food do the mom hamster have to eat with babies?

You need to give her more food than the usual since she's producing milk.

Why babies don't need teeth?

Because they have mothers to feed them milk and, when necessary to provide baby food for them.

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a nest area ,male,female bird,good food and allot of it.

Do you need female and male hamsters to breed?

Yes.Because female's produce food ,and Male's make the babies