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Perhaps as bacteria have been around millions of years longer than humans.

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3y ago

Bacteria have been around millions and billions of years longer than human on earth.

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4y ago

i dont think that this answer is right

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Q: Do bacteria adapted better life on the earth than human beings?
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What things lived on the earth before human beings did?

dnosaurs, strange reptiles, fish, and bacteria. very vague, sorry

Why are bacteria unable to live on earth?

Bacteria CAN live on Earth.

Do bacteria have adapted better to life on the earth than human?

There a pro's and Con's to this. Yes to the point that they are single celled organisms so they can easily sit around in a warm, damp and nutritious place (Known as your food recycling bin) and reproduce without a care of anything else. [Parasites are awesome as well as they just live off a host and no nothing... they get their warmth, dampness and food from just living inside of you. But don't keep them as a pet otherwise there is a chance of death] No, as they can't survive if you take one of those things away. And I don't see them creating Bio-domes in the middle of deserts or space stations orbiting the Earth. It depends on how you look at it and under what category you set it. Eg) Can you send them into space on a rock: Yes to Bacteria and No to Humans. Can they adapt to different climates: No to Bacteria and Yes to Humans.

Why does the planet provide a living system for so many kinds of insects?

Because they're better adapted to planet Earth than we are.

Human beings were present on Earth toward the end of the Cenozoic?

Yes, human beings were present on Earth during the Cenozoic era.

How many living beings inhabit the earth?

It is difficult to estimate the exact number of living beings on Earth, but it is estimated that there are around 8.7 million different species, including plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms. The total number of individual living beings is in the trillions.

What is the smallest bacteria on earth?

As of now, the smallest bacteria on Earth are those belonging to Mycoplasma.

How much bacteria lives on earth?

the amount of bacteria on Earth would have to be at least over 100.

Who are 3 oraganisms that adapted to their environment?

Every single organism on this earth has adapted to its environment... that is the beauty of adaptation.

Can the aliens breathe underwater?

Aliens, as people know, are living beings outside of the Earth. Scientists have not even discovered bacteria outside of the Earth ( as far as I know). So I don't think aliens can breath underwater, maybe in science fiction movies, but not in real life.

How have people adapted to the earth?

very well infact

