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Q: Do balls travel farther inside or outside?
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Can a guy get a girl pregnant before his balls have dropped?

What? Your balls 'drop' out from inside your body while you are a baby!

How fast do squash balls travel?

It depens how hard you hit it really

How does Temperature affect the bounce of a golf ball?

Q: How does temperature affect the distance that a golf ball will travel?A: Golf balls are made from a solid or liquid core with tightly-wound materials, and require a certain amount of elasticity in order to release kinetic energy during a collision (bounce). The property of elasticity is affected by temperature. Warm balls have a greater ability to flex during a collision, thereby recovering more kinetic energy than golf balls at colder temperatures. This scientific principle is called the coefficient of restitution. Simply put, the ball's 'bounciness' is dependent on the elasticity of the materials, and the bouncier the ball, the farther it will travel when struck by a golf club.

What do balls have inside to make them bounce?

Different balls have different things inside them. Some modern golf blls are massive polyurethane. A tennis ball, foot ball and soccer ball has air under pressure. a ingpong ball relies on the coefficient of restitution of the plastic (and the trapped air inside). Generally a material that can be deformed and regain its shape quickly (a high coefficient of restitution).

Can a ball bounce on water?

Some balls can bounce on water. It is known that all balls can float on water due to the amount of air they have inside. No, balls do not bounce on water, they may move/jump from force, but this is not really bouncing. Think of it this way, the lighter the ball the easier to move, hope that helps!

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Why do golf balls have pockmarks in them?

You mean dimples? Golf balls have dimples because it maximizes the distance of travel. Dimpled balls travel up to four times farther than smooth-surfaced golf balls.

Why exactly is a golf ball grooved?

Golf balls have grooves so that when they are hit into the air they travel farther than smooth balls. The air runs into the grooves and out the curve.

Is a comet warm on the outside and frozen on the inside?

Yes, comets are balls of frozen ice. On the outside they are burning with fire.

Is the air in a can holding tennis balls higher or lower in the can or outside the can?

The air pressure inside the can is always higher than the air pressure outside the can. The air is compressed into the can along with the tennis balls.

How big are the balls on an ostrich?

Ostriches have their testes inside of them, not outside. As for size, they could be about the size of a baseball.

Can elephants truly balance on balls?

yes elephants have balls they are inside them instead of outside like most male animals

Are basket balls rubber?

no there made of leather on the outside but with some rubber in the inside then just filled with air.

Did you know that geodes are dull balls of igneous or sedimentary rock on the outside but contain beautiful crystals on the inside?


Does the hotter the temperature of the puck the farther it goes?

Temperature can affect a couple of different variables in a ball to alter the distance it will travel from an impact. For inflated balls, the temperature can change the air pressure inside the ball giving an over inflated effect if it was warmed, or and under inflated effect if it was cold. (Have you ever tried dribbling a basketball without enough air in it?) The amount of air pressure then is directly proportional to the temperature of the air inside.

Why do golf balls fly so far?

because the golfer hits them harder and harder then farther and farther.

Who is the tennis strategist who said hit balls outside your body crosscourt inside your body down the line What is his name?

rick macci