

Do bats has feathers on their wings?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Do bats has feathers on their wings?
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Do they have fur feathers or wings?

they do not have feathers fur or wings

Why are bats not birds?

Bats are not birds as they have no feathers, talons, beaks, or any organ specifically related to birds. The bat's wings are also not the same style as bird's wings. Bats seem to have the same structure in their wings as the human hand. And, they do not lay eggs, they give live birth.

Do bats have whiskers?

No, a bat is a mammal instead of a bird. It has hair instead of feathers. Just as humans do.

What grows in the wings and the tail of a bird?

flight feathers

Difference between insect wings and bird wings?

a bird has hollow bones and an incect has an exo skeleton on the outside of their body!

Are bat's wings covered with feathers?

No. Bat wings consist of bare skin. Only birds have feathers.

What feathers are located underneath contour feathers?

Contour feathers are on the wings and tail.

Are birds the only type of animals that have wings?

yes. Birds are the only animals on earth that have feathers covering their bodies. They are also a vertebrae animal, which means they have a spine.

Are the wings of a bat and the wings ofa bird an example of convergent evolution?

Although bats and birds are both vertebrates, they evolved flight separately. Bats move the air with thin skin rather than feathers. And the bones in bat wings reach the wingtip, while birds have short wing bones and long flight feathers..sorry if i havent answered your questions properly im only 12..:) but hopefully you would have learned something

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They have wings with feathers

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