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It is thougth that bats subsitute sonar echoing for hearing. The bat makes a noise and recives a "picture" of the world around them

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Q: Do bats substitute hearing for some other sense?
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What creatures have a good sense of hearing?


Do bats have a good sense of smell?

Bats have a very great sense of smell, especially a fruit bat. Bats depend mainly on their sense of smell and hearing.

What senses do the bats use to find food?

Bats use their sense of hearing to find food. They use echolocation similar to dolphins.

What can a vampire bat hear?

Vampire bats use echolocation, but they can hear what we hear, and more. They have an acute sense of hearing in the high frequency range, detecting up to 113 kHz, compared to the average human's hearing which can comfortably detect up to about 17 kHz. Vampire bats use this high frequency, or ultrasonic, hearing to analyse echolocation, meaning the echoes of their biosonar calls. Vampire bats are different from other bats in that they also have exceptional low frequency hearing. For audio clips on what vampire bats can hear compared to humans and to other bats, see the related link below.

How do bats hearing compare to human hearing?

how does bats hearing compare to human hearing

Do bats hear?

Bats have a very good sense of hearing since they are blind. They use echo location to determine where to go without getting into trouble.

What sense does a bat depend on the most and why?

Bats use their scence of hearing more than any other scence. Bats use sonar to find where they are going. Their brains slow down the sonar when they hear it so they can "see" what is in front of them.

What is special about bat's hearing?

Not that quite... unless you consider batman here! Adult bats can hear about 23 times better than average adult human. And also they are able to hear infra sounds (used in sonar detection).

What animal has the best sense of hearing?

it depends what you classify as "the best hearing" but dolphins and bats have the best sonar hearing and owls have the sharpest hearing with one ear hole above their eye level and one below they can pinpoint the vertical positions of a sound source.

What do bats hate?

Being creatures of acute hearing sense, they particularly hate high intensity sounds that are beyond the hearing level of the human ear. Supersonic sound emitters can accomodate this.

How are bats adapeted to night life?

Many species have developed their hearing into a sense of echolocation, which let them fly, navigate and hunt in pitch darkness.

Sense organs are adapted for?

Most sense organs are adapted for survival. While some animals are blind, like bats, they use their sense of hearing as survival. For what an animal lacks, they adapt to another sense organ to help in survival and reproduction which helps continue the species.