

Do bees collect pollen in a group?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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14y ago

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It may appear that bees are foraging in a group because there are so many of them, but each bee is working on its own. When a bee returns to the hive after finding a new source of nectar it communicates the location and type of plant to other bees in the hive, and they then will go to the same place to forage.

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No that's aphids, bees are collect pollen and nectar. No, bees collect nectar from nectary glands and pollen from the anthers in their pollen sacks. A lot of pollen also gets stuck to them elsewhere, and this can brush off in other flowers to pollinate them.

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Bees eat nectar and pollen that they collect off of the flowers. Honey bees will even eat the honey that they make from the pollen that they collect.

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Bees collect pollen and nectar from open flowers, and they also collect propolis -- a resinous substance -- from buds, particularly tree buds.

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What do honeybees collect?

If you might have noticed a recent answer, which was pollen, that answer is wrong. Bees collect nectar, which they turn into honey. pollen sticks to their legs and falls onto other flowers. this is called pollination.

What do bees give to flowers when they collect their honey?

Bees that collect a flower's honey give to that flower pollen deposits from another flower.

Why do bees collect pollen and nectar?

To feed themselves and their young.

Tow reasons why bees are in gardens?

To collect nectar and pollen.