

Do bees have mouths

Updated: 9/14/2023
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9y ago

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Bees do have mouths. The bees mouth consists of mandibles and a proboscis. They use the mouth parts to chew up food and also to suck up nectar.

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Q: Do bees have mouths
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Do bees make honey out of their mouths?

No. Honey is made in a honeycomb, out of pollen that bees bring back to the hive on their legs.

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The mouths of drone bees are slightly larger than worker bees. The worker bees have more functional mouth parts used for building.

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Bees eat with their mouths, and they suck nectar from flowers with their proboscis which is a specially adapted mouthpart. The sting is at the other end of the body.

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Is this the right way that you spell mouths?

Yes it is. Mouths.