

Do bees loose there stingers after they sting?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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A bee's sting really evolved in order to sting other insects. An insect's exoskeleton is hard so when the bee's sting penetrates it creates a hole big enough for the bee to withdraw the sting easily even though it is barbed. The bee's problems come with animal flesh. It is elastic so the hole produced as the sting penetrates closes up again and traps the sting. If the bee is given time, it can often withdraw the sting by going round and round as it pulls, but in most cases the animal's (or human's) reaction means it doesn't have the time, so as the bee pulls away in fright the sting gets left behind together with the venom sac and the muscles that pump the venom. The bee will die of the injuries caused some time between an hour and a day after.

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bumblebees actually bite and don't sting; however, yellow jackets sting once and loose their stingers making them unable to sting again

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Scorpions, wasps, hornets and bees have stingers.

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None. All bees have their sting at the tip of the abdomen -- the rear.

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A bee's sting is at the tip of its abdomen. Incidentally, only female bees have stings.

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only if 100 bees sting the victim but if the person heals it its fine

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That is a good question. Sweat bees or as I called them when I was small "Jacks" do infact sting! Their stingers are small and sharp!The poison in the bee is strong(not enough to kill or sicken the preditor.)and best treated under the trement written in "do bumbe bees sting?".The stinger is a slight presure and a bad sting!

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The queens and workers can but their sting does not have barbs like a the honeybee, so they can sting more than once. Male's cant sting because they don't have a stinger. Males have a genital capsule for mating.

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The stingers of bees and wasps are evolved from the queen's ovipositor, the part of her body that lays eggs. All workers (and the only ones that can sting) are female.

How do bees die after they sting?

Worker bees die after they sting because their stingers are barbed and get pulled out of their bodies. Their poison sacks, and part of their intestines are pulled out along with it killing the bee.

Do hornets leave their stingers in you?

No. The hornet's sting is smooth so it has no difficulty withdrawing it.

What bees have stingers?

All bees have stingers. They use it to protect themselves when they feel threatened but unfortunately they die after they sting someone. That is why you should just ignore a bee when it comes near you. Hope i helped

Do bees eat with their stingers?

Bees eat with their mouths, and they suck nectar from flowers with their proboscis which is a specially adapted mouthpart. The sting is at the other end of the body.