

Do bees pollinate bee balms

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Do bees pollinate bee balms
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A bee myrtle is a reddish, pinkish or reddish flower that bees pollinate from

How do you you put pollinate in a sentence?

Bees polinate flowers.When studying how bees polinate flowers, a bee stung me.Since bees die after stinging a person, there was one less bee able to pollinate.

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If one bee can pollinate 220 plants in 1 hour estimate how many plants 9 bees can pollinate in the same amount of time?

What can bees do?

Bees produce honey for us and help pollinate flowers.

Does a bumble bee pollinate flowers the same way as normal bees?


Bees help pollinate flowers and help them reproduce This is an example of the bee's?

ecosystem service. Bees are vital for the reproduction of many plant species through pollination. They play a crucial role in maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem balance.

How many trees can a bee pollinated?

A single bee visiting flowers for nectar and pollen can potentially pollinate several hundred flowers a day, depending on the species of bee and the availability of flowers. This can contribute to the pollination of multiple trees in the area.

What does a bee provide?

Bees provide honey, they also pollinate plants by transporting pollen.

What insects pollinate Mango trees?

honey bee Flys Hover Flys Bees

What type of bees pollinate flowers?

Carpenter Bee Humming Bird Honey Bee Andrena Bees Monarch Butterfly Zebra-Striped Butterfly Moths

What does the bees do to the green plants?

Pollinate them. Aka, a bee transfers the pollen from one flower to another.

How many flowers must a bee visit?

Bumble bees indeed do pollinate plants. In fact because they have a longer proboscis they can pollinate some plants that honey bees can't.