

Do bees visit the same species of plants?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Once an individual bee has started collecting from a particular species of plant, it will stay with that species until the nectar dries up, then it will move on to another species.

Within the colony, different bees may well be collecting from different plant species.

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Q: Do bees visit the same species of plants?
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Pollination. Pollination can occur from the same plant, or from other plants of the same species. The pollen can be spread by wind, animals, or insects (notably bees).

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Of course. Bees perform the same necessary functions in Australia as they do in other countries and continents. Aside from numerous species of introduced bees, there are at least 1500 native bee species.

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That would be flying insects such as bees, as well as small birds (hummingbirds). They collect nectar for their own food, and in the process of collecting food, they spread pollen between different plants of the same species and within the flowers of the same plants as well. Pollen in plants serves the same purpose as male reproductive cells (sperm cells) in mammals.

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What is automimicry?

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