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Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

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Q: Do bipolar people remember what they say when in a cycle?
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Why are bipolar people so hard to work with yet so fun?

Because stress is the trigure of these episodes that make us bipolar: being overly happy, or overly sad. Normal people have shorter wavelengths between the two phases but bipolar people have extreme wavelengths between the two. Bipolar people can be in the manic phase for years until a stressful trigure, and boom, the cycle begins between happyness and sadness and once you understood bipolar 1, you will know me for example...we fear stresses of life and have anxiety that the cycle will begin again, so medications keeps us balanced like a normal person. Bipolar 2 is less severe form of bipolar 2, but i've had/have both and can say bipolar 1 is painfull... We suffer alot and it sucks mighty bull balls... later :))

How do you say bipolar disorder in Spanish?

Desorden bipolar o trastorno bipolar

How do you say 'bipolar' in Spanish?

Translation of bipolar: The same word is used.

Do bipolar people mean everything they say when they are high?

NO body says anything they mean when they are high!

Are girls bipolar?

Bipolar disorder can affect people of any gender, including girls. It is a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings that include periods of depression and mania. However, it is important to note that having mood swings does not necessarily mean someone has bipolar disorder. If you are concerned about your own or someone else's mental health, it is important to seek advice from a healthcare professional.

Which books are better Inheritance Cycle or A Song of Ice and Fire?

It would be a matter of opinion. There will be people that will say Inheritance Cycle is better, and there will be people that will say A Song of Ice and Fire is better.

What positive things to say to a person who is bipolar?

Stephen Fry, who is bipolar, did a pair of television documentaries about the problem and interviewed several bipolar people. He asked most of them if they were offered a magic cure would they take it. All but one would refuse; the benefits of the highs outweighing the horrors of the lows.

What can someone with bipolar do?

They will say at a manic state,"anything ". And they can do everything a non bipolar person can do also, often better!!

How do you tell your best friend that you have bipolar?

say "you are my best friend, so i can tell you anything here it goes i have bipolar" hope that helps you.

Does being bipolar affect who you like?

No it does not, you will like the same people whether or not you have bipolar. Imagine someone you love no matter what (family member, friend etc), you know that you will like that person ''no matter what''. The same goes for you, bipolar will not change this change you like. However that's not to say you will always like the same type of people, as you go through life what you like in a person can change. This is a normal.

How do you say 'do you remember' in Romanian speaking to two people?

Vă amintiţi ?

What does it mean when people say your elevens are up?

It is a reference to Mel Brook's movie "life stinks" I do not remember exactly, but I remember it from there.