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Q: Do birds fly low expect rain and a blow true or fales?
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Is If birds fly low expect rain and a blow?


Are all birds found in the rain forests?

no not all birds are found in the rain forest

What do the birds in the rainforest eat?

Birds in the rain forest eat worms, insects and Spiders. Rain forest birds also eat berries and nuts, which are plentiful in a healthy rain forest.

How do birds see while flying in rain?

They squint However there are not many birds that will fly during rain.

How do you run kernel?

why the are rain blow carbons

What type of birds fly in the rain?

Most birds are capable of flying in the rain, but the penguin is most likely since it can swim

Should i protect a birds nest outside our bedroom window from the rain and how?

No, you should leave the nest alone. Wild birds are very skittish around humans, treating humans as predators, and may abandon the nest if the scent of a human becomes too close. This would result in any eggs already laid in the nest also being abandoned and dying. The birds that built the nest either expect the nest to be protected from the rain or are adapted to sitting out the rain on the nest.

What kind of weather can you expect in rain bands of a hurricane?

I think it would be rain.... -__-

What is a weather lore for barometric pressure?

"If birds fly lowExpect rain and a blow."When the air pressure is high, it is easier for birds to fly at a higher altitude. If the air pressure is low, indicating bad weather, birds can't fly as high because the air is less dense. The barometer measures air pressure.

Are birds out in rain?

no they look for shelter

What lives in the rain Forrest?


What kind of birds live in the rain forests?
