

Do birds like to fly while it's raining?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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no they do not they hate, there eyes burn from the water and also the water weighs them down and there feathers get damp so no

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Q: Do birds like to fly while it's raining?
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No, they land before sleeping.

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No,not all birds that have wings and feathers can fly. An ostrich & peacock can't fly and they both have feathers and wings. Birds like the ones I named have small wings that's why they can't fly. All their muscles are in their legs.

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Type your answer here... sternum is like a bone of wings which helps the birds to fly

What is the difference between how you fly and how birds fly?

There is a distinct difference. I believe I can fly, and birds just fly. :) Just kidding. People fly with 200 ton contraptions of metal and fire, while birds fly with 2 limbs of feather, skin, bone, and muscle. See the difference?

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Do hummingbirds fly in the rain?

Well it depends on how hard the rain is falling.If it is raining hard they can't fly if it is raing really really lightly they probly can but the reason why they can't is because if they get their wings wet it is heaver on their wings and they hard to go on the ground.