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Some bisexual men may prefer men over women. Some bisexual men may prefer women over men. Some may also shift over time. Others may look at the person's personality or other factors, rather than the gender.

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Q: Do bisexual men prefer men over women?
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Does bisexual mean you date boys and girls?

Yes. The definition of bisexual is "being attracted to two or more genders (often men and women) and may prefer one gender over another."

Do men in their thirties prefer women in their twenties over women in their thirties?

men in their thirties prefer anyone who he is atracted to and is willing to be intimate.

What types of men do women prefer?

Different men prefer different women the same as different women prefer different men.

What does it mean to be bi sexual?

Bisexual means you have a sexual attraction to both men and women. However, being bisexual doesn't necessarily mean that one is attracted to both men and women equally. Some bisexual often prefer one gender, but recognize their occasional attraction to another gender. For more information visit the Related Links.

Why so some bisexual men also date women?

Because they are bisexual ! The meaning of the word is ; A person who likes men and women sexually.

Who are more accepted in United States culture - bisexual men or bisexual women?

Definately, hands down women. Ofter men of teased or more drastic measures for the urges of being bisexual... so WOMEN. (:

Do bisexual women like sex with men or women better?

Bisexual women like both, as deciding if they like women or men better is up to them. Some women dont really have a prefference.

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Is Vanessa Carlton Bisexual?

I read in a magazine that she was bisexual she loves men and women!

Are bisexual men gay?

Not necessarily, they find interest in both women and other men

Does men prefer control women?

No, not really. Some men may prefer to control women, but 99% do not.

Are you a bisexual if you go out with a lesbian and your a guy?

No. You are only bisexual if you are attracted to both men and women.