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Yes, they do but this depends a little on the variety and how the tree is managed. They tend to bear more heavily on alternate years, but this can be helped by thinning the crop quite a lot in the heavy-bearing year. Some varieties are prone to produce more in one year than another. You will still harvest some nuts each year, just less in one of them.

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I have an American black walnut tree growing in my backyard grown from seed its abaut 20 years old this year it had lots of flowers but nothing came of them, all the flowers fell of this tree is over 25 feet high now has an good crown , whats the answer ?

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Q: Do walnut trees grow walnuts every year?
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Where do walnuts grow?

On walnut trees. Pretty well all over the world in ideally temperate climates.

Where to Walnut come from?

Walnuts grow on the Walnut Tree. The most common varieties are from England and Persia.

Will walnut trees grow in New Hampshire?

Yes walnut trees will grow in New Hampshire. I presently have about 10 black walnut trees and the hundreds and hundreds of walnuts with green husks around them are evidence of this. My trees range in age from about 40 years plus for a couple to 20 years for the rest. I have had many people question and doubt that my trees are actually walnut trees until they see them. I have owned my home on the Seacoast of New Hampshire for over 12 years and this is the first year I actually plan on harvesting any of them. Hope this helps.

Ware do walnut trees grow?

in tropical places ...

Could chandler walnut tree grow in Bulgaria?

Walnuts, both domestic and wild are seen here in Bulgaria

Do Walnut trees grow in the rain forest?

i think so

How often do walnuts produce?

Walnut trees will typically produce each year but may have off seasons to help the tree recover. It takes an entire season for the tree to fully grow and develop nuts which can then be harvested.

What time of year do black walnut trees grow nuts?


Where are walnut trees found?

Walnut trees can grow in the east-central and Midwest states of the US. The walnut tree is native to North America.

Are nuts and pecans the same thing?

Pecans grow on pecan trees and walnuts grow on walnut trees... Stupid grows on stupid trees... what a dumb answer. This is directly from The most notable difference in appearance lies in the shape of pecans and walnuts. Walnuts resemble human brain in their formation, while pecans have deep ridges that are long though retaining the same elliptical shape. Pecans are dark brown, whereas walnuts are light brown in color. There are also differences in taste with distinct flavor of both pecans and walnuts. If you are in a market, you would be surprised to see higher priced pecan in comparison to better known walnuts. Read more:

Tree nuts are different than peanuts?

Almond, walnut, hazelnut, etc, grow above ground on trees. Peanuts grow underground.

What tree grows walnuts?

These plants grow well in a bed around the trunk of a large black walnut tree in my garden in central Maryland (Zone 7): Black-eyed susans (rudbeckia) ; daylilies (hybrid & common), hostas (various cultivars), impatiens, tradescantia, carpet bugle (ajuga reptans) Also growing well nearby (under walnut tree canopy but about 4 feet from the trunk): two sedum cultivars, monkshood (aconitum carmichaelii), honeysuckle cultivar; pink turtleheads (chelone lyonii), climbing eunonymus, Virginia bluebells, None of these plants are adversely affected by the tree's supposed toxins.