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Not in a healthy person, unless there is a cut in the blood vessel. Someone with high cholesterol or other health problems might have a clot occur otherwise, but those will typically be in capillaries, as they are more narrow.

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Q: Do blood clots form in the veins and arteries?
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What does cholesterol do to the blood flow?

Clots may form in theses narrowed arteries and block blood flow high blood cholesterol levels can cause hardening of the arteries at a younger age.

What are the different types of blood tubes through which the blood passes?

these are not called blood tubes they are called blood vessels and their are three types of blood vessels arteries which divides into arterioles and arterioles re divide into capillaries capillaries join to form venule and venule join to form veins.

Can you get blood clots from injecting heroin?

Yes, injecting heroin can cause blood clots. Blood clots form primarily in veins because blood moves more slowly in veins than in arteries. The clotting process is started by the platelets in the blood, which adhere to some surface. Normally, the walls of the veins are too smooth to allow this, but injection scars inside of veins create such surfaces. To reduce the risk of clotting, exercise-pay particular attention to parts of your body in which you inject. These clots may stick in the walls and form hard clumps that interfere with the flow of blood. These are fairly common amongst injectors. They are usually frightening at first, but over time users find that they aren't particularly painful and that they don't seem to cause any problems other than making the vein in which they reside useless for injection.

Which organ carrys blood away from the heart?

its not an organ- the arteries carry blood away form the heart and veins carry the blood to the heart.

Why blood clots do not form in a blood donation?

They do not form in a blood donation because blood clots are out of our anotomy

What are the similarities between arteries and veins?

Mainly, they're made out of the same tissues in the same order, the difference being how thick those tissues are, a lot thicker in arteries than in veins. They're both responsible for blood flow, being the arteries responsible for blood flow from the heart to the tissues and veins responsible for blood flow from the tissues to the heart.

Are your blood clots in both ankle considered a disability?

can blood cloths become changerd in vains an cause me to have brain tumsres Umm, "Can blood clots become changed in veins and cause me to have brain tumors?" No. Blood clots do not become tumors. Blood clots in both ankles may be considered a disability but your doctor will have to make the case if you want to get some form of disability compensation.

What is an analolgy for buerger's disease?

Buerger's disease (aka - thromboangitis obliterans), is a very rare disease of the arteries and veins in the arms and legs. Essentially, clots form in the blood vessels which impairs blood flow and eventually damages tissues, leading to infection/gangrene. Virtually every patient who has this ailment is a smoker.

Cardiovascular system is made up of?

The cardiovascular system consists of:The heart (the pump)The blood vessels (arteries, capillaries and veins which form a network around the body)Blood (fluid medium)

Capillaries form the connection between the arteries and veins?

Capillaries connect the smallest branches of arteries and veins The walls of capillaries are just one cell thick. Capillaries therefore allow the exchange of molecules between the blood and the body's cells - molecules can diffuse across their walls. This exchange of molecules is not possible across the walls of other types of blood vessel.

How does the arteries and veins in the heart become blocked?

Cholesterol and bacteria form plaque on the inside wall (called tunica intima) of veins and arteries. This can make the systemic pressure rise, affecting blood pressure.

What causes vein thrombosis?

Blood clots can form in veins when you are inactive. For example, clots can form if you are paralyzed or bedridden or must sit while on a long flight or car trip. Surgery or an injury can damage your blood vessels and cause a clot to form. Cancer can also cause deep vein thrombosis. Some people have blood that clots too easily, a problem that may run in families.