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Yes, injecting heroin can cause blood clots. Blood clots form primarily in veins because blood moves more slowly in veins than in arteries. The clotting process is started by the platelets in the blood, which adhere to some surface. Normally, the walls of the veins are too smooth to allow this, but injection scars inside of veins create such surfaces. To reduce the risk of clotting, exercise-pay particular attention to parts of your body in which you inject.

These clots may stick in the walls and form hard clumps that interfere with the flow of blood. These are fairly common amongst injectors. They are usually frightening at first, but over time users find that they aren't particularly painful and that they don't seem to cause any problems other than making the vein in which they reside useless for injection.

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Q: Can you get blood clots from injecting heroin?
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Is heroin a blood thinner or does it clot the blood?

Neither, it is a central nervous system depressant. Problems with blood clots might occur if the user is injecting the drug since this is usually done with less than sanitary equipment and the veins being used can become infected and irritated causing a potential for thrombophlebitis. Heroin can absolutely cause a blood clotting disorder if injected over a long period of time. A friend used sterile equipment but is now seriously ill with multiple blood clots and pulmonary embolisms due to injecting. Doesn't have to be only with unsanitary equipment.

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your probly getting a bruise because you are missing the vein (going to deep)

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Heroin effects you faster when injecting because as soon as the heroin hits your bloodstream, it rushes throughout your entire body and vessels. This is often called a heroin "rush" and is usually why people repeatedly inject the drug.

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Missing the vein. but still injecting

What should you do about the redness soreness and small area of bruising due to injecting heroin?

Stop injecting heroin. Well i am in no position to answer the questions. but i think more serious information is wanted here.

What are he effects when you have a overdose of heroin?

you die. that is not the correct answer who ever put that im a person you overdosed on heroin and cocaine injecting and i made it

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blood clots doing my period

Why blood clots do not form in a blood donation?

They do not form in a blood donation because blood clots are out of our anotomy

A graph or a chart of How many heroin addicts died in the past ten years from injecting heroin?

There are none. Make it one and give it to me. Please.

Why are you having watery blood with blood clots?

Watery blood with blood clots can be a sign of miscarriage. You can also have an unusual menstrual cycle. If you have watery blood with blood clots you need to go to a doctor.

What does sclerotherapy for esophageal varices involve?

injecting a strong and irritating solution (a sclerosant) into the veins and/or the area beside the distended vein. Sclerosant injected directly into the vein causes blood clots to form