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The FDA has issued a draft Guidance recommending all allogeneic, and selected autologous, blood donations be screened for T. cruzi.

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Q: Do blood donation organisations look for trypansoma when taking double red blood donations?
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How can you speed recovery from a double red donation?

Increaed fluid intake immediately before and after a double red cell donation will help prevent most post-donation vaso-vagal reactions. A simple one-a-day vitamin with iron will help restore hemoglobin/hematocrit to acceptable levels within 3-4 weeks, and prevent iron deficiency following frequent red cell donations.

Calculated red blood cell recovery after donating a double red blood cell product?

Per the blood bank you have to wait 16 weeks, or double the normal time for a single red blood cell donation. Normal wait time for red cell donation is only once every 8 weeks and since this procedure draws what amounts to two donations in one, your wait time is double.

Can a person taking iron supplements donate blood?

Yes. While occasional whole blood donations will generally have little effect on iron levels and body stores, frequent donations may decrease these amounts. Recently, the FDA has discussed the possibility of raising the the minimum hemoglobin or hematocrit levels for volunteer blood donation, or increasing the time allowed between donations, in response to lowered donor iron. Current guidelines require a pre-donation hematocrit of 38% or hemoglobin level of 12.5 g/dL. Whole blood donations may be given every 56 days, while double red cell donations require a 112 day deferral. Therapeutic phlebotomy is very effective in preventing iron toxicity in hemochromatosis patients and decreasing red cell mass in red cell hyperplasia/polycythemia vera patients.

What is a double red cell blood donation?

Red cells are seperated from a blood donation for their use in hemophillic patients

Is there a tie between double red donation and heart attack four days later?

Type your answer here... I don't know but within a couple weeks of giving a donation of double red blood, I suffered a heart attack. I am 55 years old and have been giving blood for about 40 years several times a year. I am healthy and never had issues before. That was the first time I had ever given double red blood.

Junk Car Donations - How You Can Help?

During the past year, the “cash for clunkers” program took several cars off of the road in order to provide both an economic shot in the arm and an environmental benefit. The program may have passed, but the need for car owners to get rid of cars has not. And this goes double for cars that are beyond their useful life, even with used car salesman. Fortunately junk car donations can provide a much needed source of income for several worthwhile charities and sometimes provide a tax benefit, albeit lower than regular car donations. Difference from used car donations Junk car donations differ from used car donations. Used car donations are typically resold to used car dealers by charities as a fundraising mechanism. In these cases the fair market value of the car is deducted from the actual auction value and that forms the basis of any tax deduction. Cars that are in disrepair (from collisions, etc.), however are valued based on their transfer value. These types of cars are typically sold not as whole units but rather as parts for older cars. In addition to cars, RVs, motorcycles and other motorized vehicles can be classified as junked and donated both to support worthwhile charities and to obtain a tax deduction. Where to Donate: If one is looking for a tax write off for their junk car donation, there is no better resource than the IRS. The IRS maintains a list of charitable organizations who qualify for a tax write off. Even if a person is not particularly interested in a tax deduction this can give you an idea of what organizations in your area accept these types of donations. Other sources of information for donations include the local yellow pages and newspapers. Where they are not listed directly, the listing of charities can often yield several worthwhile groups who would love to accept your donation. Be sure to check out any particular paperwork you have to fill out in order to transfer the pink slip, and make sure to get receipts in order to document your donations. Conclusion Junk car donations, while not as common as used car donations, are still a source of income for charities who have a need for funding, especially in these hard times. Donations can not only provide a worthwhile cause with some much needed cash, but in certain situations it can also provide a tax break. The key is to find a good charity with the right paperwork.

How long does it take for your blood to come back after donating?

. The donation process includes registration, a brief medical screening, the blood collection, and time for refreshments in the canteen. For whole blood the entire donation process usually takes about one hour. It can take a little longer for platelets or double red cells.

How often in a week can you donate blood?

Giving whole blood, you have to wait 56 days between your donations. If you donate plasma, you may donate every 28 days. If you donate platelets, you can donate every 7 days, with a limit of 24 times per year. If you donate double red cells, you must wait 112 days before you donate next. Double red cell donors must meet certain weight, height and hemoglobin (iron) requirements.APPEAL TO INDIANS Blood Donation is the biggest donation in the world. As we all know, tragedy occurs every other day and we hear about blood shortages. We cannot let people die short of blood. Our blood can give life to someone, someday. Hence, it is our duty as an Indian to stand up to the situation.

How much blood does a human donate?

Current FDA guidelines allow a maximum of 10.5 ml/kilogram body weight of whole blood to be collected every eight weeks. The majority of blood collection facilities use 500 ml whole blood bags, with an additional 50 ml (10%) allowed to be drawn for mandated screening tests. This volume equates with a lower body weight for blood donation of 110 lbs or more (with acceptable hematocrit/hemoglobin levels). Double red cell donation by apheresis technology may collect 500-550 ml of red cells at a single donation IF the donor meets body mass and hematocrit eligibility criteria. Double red cell donors must wait 112 days before their next blood donation attempt (any type).

How many times a year can you give blood?

FDA guidelines allow volunteer whole blood donations every 56 days, plateletpheresis donations twice a week up to 24 times a year, plasmapheresis twice a week (as long as total protein and immunoglobulin levels remain adequate) and double red cell collection by apheresis every 112 days.

Why organisations own a website?

Organisations own websites as it allows intrigued customers to explore their range and category. This can be very useful for finding trading hours, applying for a job application, opening hours and you may prefer surfing the catalogue rather than speaking to employees (usually caused by being shy) Organisations also create websites to expand their business and make their NAME well known. You may also live far away from a specific shop and double check if a item is in stock before driving 3 hours to find out its not.

Can you donate a kidney if you have asthma?

I'm preaty sure you can. You might want to double check me on this though. However is appears to me that Asthma in constriction and inflamation in the lungs. The kidneys filter salts, acids, and toxins out of your blood through the membranes within them. I do not see a connection between the two that would affect your donation. Again, though, you might want to double check on that.