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Q: Do blood vessels in your ears dilate in cold weather?
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How do the heart and blood vessels maintain a stable body temperature in hot and cold weather?

During warmer weather, the blood vessels at the surface of the skin dilate. At the same time, our skin produces sweat, which evaporates - taking the excess heat into the atmosphere.

How do the heart and blood vessels maintain a stable body temperature in hot and cold?

During warmer weather, the blood vessels at the surface of the skin dilate. At the same time, our skin produces sweat, which evaporates - taking the excess heat into the atmosphere.

When the temperature increases. what does the brain do to try to maintain a constant temperature?

In hot weather the brain causers the vessels to move close to the surface and dilate. In cold weather it causes the vessels to move away from the surface and contract.

How does circulatory system help maintain homeostasis in mammals and birds?

regulates temperature - if you are cold, it constricts your blood vessels so that you lose less heat. If you are hot, it allows your blood vessels to dilate, letting out heat

Because alcohol dilates blood vessels a person who goes outside in cold weather after drinking risk?


What problems can cold weather cause for the elderly?

Cold weather can also lead the elderly to have rheumatic problems. Constriction of the blood vessels can also cause and abrupt rise in blood pressure. Cardiac and pulmonary problems are also very common.

What is the scientific name for a Brain Freeze?

The scientific term for brain freeze is sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia. It is a brief headache that can occur when something cold touches the roof of your mouth, causing blood vessels to constrict and then rapidly dilate.

Do capillaries constrict and dilate?

No. They are vessels composed of epithelial cells (endothelium) which contain no contractile material. However, at their site of origin they contain sphincters (precapillary sphincters) that controls the flow of blood that enters the capillaries.

Why do your veins in your legs dilate when playing golf in the heat?

Your skin is like your body's air conditioner. When it is hot, you "open" your vents (dilate blood vessels). When it's cold, you close it up (constrict, which gives your skin a "bluish" appearance). If you are golfing, you are using a lot of energy in your legs creating a lot of heat. Therefore, your body will open up those "vents" the most.

How does the skin help to regulate body temperature 2 examples?

The skin helps to regulate body temperature through the process of vasodilation and vasoconstriction. When the body is too hot, blood vessels near the surface of the skin dilate, allowing more blood to flow to the surface and release heat through sweating. When the body is too cold, blood vessels constrict to reduce blood flow to the surface, conserving heat in the body's core.

What is the hunter?

The hunter's reflex is a physiological condition whereby in cold weather the blood vessels in the forearm allow blood to flow to the hands thus keeping them warm and useful, rather than the normal response which is to withdraw blood from the extremities to protect the core.

Do you put a hot or cold compress on an insect bite?

Cold compresses! Helps the blood vessels constrict.