

Do blue jays have any notable ancestors?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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it is related to the crow and magpie

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Q: Do blue jays have any notable ancestors?
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Why are blue jays threntend?

They are not in any kind of threat, a very common species.

Is there any reason why the Blue Jays are called what they are?

the blue jays are named the blue jays because the held a draw for the name. The people of Toronto were asked to submit names that they thought the team should be called. The ballot that was selected had the name blue jays on it. that is why the blue jays are named the blue jays A further actual reason.........the original owners of the franchise in Toronto were a beer company called Labatt's, and their most popular brand of beer, at that time was Labatt's BLUE. I think you can see the connection? The blue jay, the real bird, is blue and white in color, and is loud and has a horrible sounding cry, and is prone to stealing anything that is shiny or glitters, such as tin foil, or plastic. So much for making a great choice of mascot, or emblem.

Are there any other colors of jay bird?

The Canada jay is gray and white, the blue jay is blue and gray and white, the Stellar's jay is similar to the blue jay but has a blackish head, scrub jays are blue and gray.

How do blue jay?

Blue Jays flap their wings up and down like any other bird when they flap their wings the force is making the bird have thrust and lift in the same time casing blue jay's or any type of bird to fly

Do blue jays eat snakes?

Yes blue rays eat snacks. Any kind of bird like snacks and reptiles. Snacks are a kind of reptile it will eat it. Definitely.

Do blue jays eat baby chickens?

Well, if you look it up real simple on google or something like that it will tell you that blue jays eat baby birds. And a chicken is a bird. So, ya, I would say blue jays eat baby chickens

Can a baby blue jay eat wet cat food?

ahh yes. baby blue jays have an outstanding digestive system. As you know, a typical blue jay has a large variety of the different foods they eat to maintain a comfortable lifestyle. the baby blue jays learn young that they need alot of food of nutritional values. They have rather large bellies that can handle any amount of food that momma bird brings home.

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Do blue jays and doves like wheat bread?

Bread of any kind is not a good thing to feed to any kind of birds. They may like it very much, but it is unhealthy for them.

When was the last time the blue jays won?

If you're talking any old game, then 2008. If you're talking the World Series, it would be in 1993.

What does jam say that makes scout decide to join them to kill a mockingbird?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Jem says to Scout that they are not going to harm any mockingbirds but instead shoot blue jays. This convinces Scout to join Jem in their mission to target blue jays, as she trusts Jem's judgment and wants to be a part of his adventures.

Group of blue jays is called?

I'm guessing a flock, but that is more general, you could use that describing any species of birds that fly together. i don't know if there is somthing more specific.