

Do bonobos share 90 percent of their DNA with humans?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Yes. I think the number is actually closer to 98% shared. Most of the differences between a bonobo and a human being are not so much that we have different genes (a lot of the 2% difference between bonobos and human genes is trivial) but rather we use the same set of genes differently. A rather crude analogy is that humans and bonobos are like two houses both built using all same the construction materials and techniques, but according to slightly different blueprints.

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Q: Do bonobos share 90 percent of their DNA with humans?
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Bonobos , Orang utans and Chimps. Bonobos share 99% of their DNA with us. Orang utans share 96.4% of their DNA with us and Chimpanzees share 98.5% of their DNA with us humans... who knows there might be a type of primate out there that has not been discovered yet that shares more of their DNA with us the Bonobos.

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Absolute unquestioned fact. Christians even agree that humans are a species of primate. Scientists all agree that humans are a species of Great Ape (a group of primates that includes Bonobos, Chimpanzees, Orangutans, Gorillas).

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Well that all depends on what you want to compare us to. We are most closly related to Chimpanzes and Bonobos. We share 98% of our DNA with them. Note: we did not evolve from chimps but we do share a common ancestor (the missing link you probably hear about).

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Cats and humans share similar X and Y chromosomes, in fact the two species shared a common ancestor about 90 million years ago and share 90% of (homologous) genes with humans

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