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Everyone it is going to stand at the final judgment because only God can decide who is a really true beliver.

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Q: Do born again believers in Jesus Christ stand at the final judgment?
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By preaching and healing, and by dying and by rising again, and finally, and this is the main way he 'brought Christianity', by sending the Holy Ghost to his believers. I think Jesus didn't bring Christianity. Christianity came after Jesus died. Because Christianity is based on the death burial and resurrection of Jesus. Salvation through faith in Jesus Christ wasn't preached until after His death.

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all who love and accept JESUS CHRIST as there LORD and Savior and vow to serve him and his father (GOD)

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No person knows the time Jesus will return again. It could be in 2018 or not Not sure if Christ Jesus will return in 2018.

Are born again believers still considers sinners?

Yes. Of course they are. That is exactly why they need the saving power of Christ.

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