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No. The mother stays to care for the young.

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Q: Do both barn owls help raise their young?
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Are Barn Owls helpless when they are young?

I wouldn't say helpless, but definately defenceless by themselves. (Thats when one of the parents are NOT around to help them)

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Some male lions do help with the raising of the young by caring for them while the females hunt.

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To help raise children in the Christian faith.

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No, the mother does while the dad protects them both.

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they help by rerouting the lightning around the barn and into the ground, i believe.

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They give many birds and animals a safe place to nest and raise there young.

How does a barn owls tail help it?

The tail should help a barn own keep itself balanced, whether it be while flying or perched on an object.

What barn owl is being done to help?


Do both parents help with baby foxes?

No only the female does the male goes away

Does male Cardinal help feed babies?

Yes. Both parents feed the young.