

Do budgies have purple tongues

Updated: 10/8/2023
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12y ago

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I don't think so. Because I had two budgies and they both had pink tongues. I know this because they yawned and regurgitated alot.

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Q: Do budgies have purple tongues
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Why aren't tongues purple?

If you have a girrafe, it might be. The reason why human tounges aren't purple is... well, they just aren't, unless you have a rare tongue disorder or recently ate a purple lollipop. <3

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Actually they are either blue or purple and this is so they won't get sunburned from feeding all day.

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Take it to a vet just to be carfull

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no they don't even camoflage themselves though they do have purple tongues

Which is better English budgies and Regular budgies?

This question is a matter of opinion. Some people like English budgies better than regular budgies or other people like regular budgies better than English budgies.

What color tongues do chow cHows have?

Chow chows tongues are blue/purple. You should search some pictures of them.