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If a boy catches pubic lice they can also spread from his pubic hair to his anus hair.

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Q: Do bugs really get in boys anus hair?
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Why do men get anus hair?

so bugs dont get into your anus. you dont have eyes on your anus I guess some people might say that if there is a God he sure has a weird sense of humour.

Are some people born with no hair around their anus?

I never heard of hair around the anus. I've never seen an anus with hair.

Why Hair came out of anus?

ingestion of hair through the mouth, thus it exits through the anus

Why is'NT bugs in hair but nits in hair?

The nits are eggs not bugs, but the bugs are there somewhere since they came from them.

Why were swimming hats invented?

To keep your hair dry and stop any bugs getting into your hair. to keep your hair dry and to keep bugsout of your hair. To keep your hair dry and to keep bugs out of your hair To keep your hair dry and to keep bugs out of your hair

How do you make a girls hair like a boys?

u cut it really short

Can boys have long hair?

Of course boys can have long hair its just girls like it better long and boys prefer its short its just to make girls and boys equal.

Can you grow hair on your anus?


Do girls like guys with short hair?

It really depends on a girl's opinion. They'd probably prefer more hygienic boys instead of boys with long unwashed hair, but it really depends heavily on opinion and preference.

Tiny black bugs in hair?

The most common bugs in the hair are generally hair lice - these are easily treated with shampoos and combs.

Why does hair come out your anus?

vodoo magic

Is a boy with long hair cute?

That is a matter of a person's own opinion. I think that there are cute boys out there with long hair but some people might prefer guys with short hair.i think that long hair on boys r SUPER CUTE i love when boys have long hair