

Do bulimics eventually become underweight

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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If a bulimic continues to purge, the bulimic will eventually become underweight. It's a simple measure of calories in, activity out. If someone vomits up their calories and doesn't take in replacement calories, it is very possible to become dangerously and unhealthily thin.

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What Are the behavior differences between anorexia and bulimia?

Anorexics are underweight according to their BMI and if are female have lost their period. Bulimics binge and purge (consume large amounts of food then over exercise, vomit or abuse laxatives to compensate)and may be underweight, a normal weight or overweight. Both have irrational fear of food or gaining weight and have a warped idea of their own weight. Some anorexics binge and purge as well, but are underweight so are diagnosed anorexic.

What sicknesses do bulimics get?

Bulimia is a sickness. Bulimics can also suffer from acid wear on the throat and mouth.

What sex and age make up the majority of bulimics?

Most bulimics are females in their teens or early 20s.

Why must bulimics seek professional help?

Most bulimics find it difficult to stop their behavior without professional help.

What other compulsive behaviors may bulimics suffer from?

Some bulimics struggle with other compulsive, risky behaviors such as drug and alcohol abuse.

Is constant weight loss good?

If a person loses weight constantly, that person will eventually be underweight, and will eventually die of starvation (like Karen Carpenter, RIP). There is such a thing as a correct, or healthy weight.

Why must bulimics eventually develop dental problems?

I believe it's because when you throw up, the acid from your stomach starts to wear away the enamel on your teeth, causing major dental problems.

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Can you lose weight being belmic?

you have to throw up...but you shoudnt try because your teeth can become gray and your finger will peel...

How common are bulimics under 18?

Bulimics under the age of 18 are very uncommon. Bulimia is more common in girls ages 18 to 24.