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yes it will kill scared you!

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Q: Do bull ant bites or stings kill you?
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Why baking powder is used to cure ant bites?

Bee, hornets and ant bites and stings are acidic, that's why the baking soda helps to neutralize it.

What bites and stings could be neutralized with bicarbonate of soda?

Bee sting and a ant bite HUFFI

Do ant bites cause itching and irritation?

Yes they can,it's usually a white pimple with a little redness. It could also be just a white bump with redness. I have actually got bitten by a black ant and now it's just a white bump with redness around it. The good thing about getting bitten by a black ant is that their bites/ stings don't hurt as much as the red ant or fire ants bites/ stings.

Can multiple ant bites kill you?

Only if the person being bitten has an allergy to them

What are the predators of the bull ant?

The known predators of the bull ant is a anteater.

Do ants kill you?

No that's only true with bees. After a bee stings you it dies because the stinger is barbed and stays in your skin, tearing off part of the bee's body. When an ant bites it's using its mouth which is of course able to bite more than once.

What sort of ant is black and orange and its bite stings like fire?

Cow Killer Ant or Velvet Ant

What is the best treatment for ant bites when you are pregnant?

The best treatment for ant bites when pregnant is to use Neosporin. If the bites are severe, you will need to visit your doctor for a prescription.

What kind of an ant is extraordinary?

bull ant

Can ants kill ferrets?

Depending on what kind of ants (fire ants), it is possible that a ferret might have a reaction from ant bites and die.

Do red fire ants kills people?

One fire ant cannot kill a human,but if there are more than 100 coming after a person they can kill with their deadly bites with poison in it.

Who would win in a fight between a bull ant and a praying mantis?

Obvioussally a bull ant uhhh