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Q: Do camels nurse their offspring
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Why are camels mammals?

Because they nurse their young.

Do frogs have milk?

No. Frogs are amphibians and do not nurse their offspring.

How many offspring does the nurse shark?

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They are mammals, and so they nurse milk from their mothers.

Do you need to know prefixes and suffixes to be a nurse?

I fear for you, and the offspring you may produce.

How many youngs do a camel have?

Most large animals only have one offspring per pregnancy. Camels follow that rule.

Do sharks nurse or abandon their offspring?

To my knowledge, Sharks do not nurse their offspring and while they my hover around until just after birth, they genereally abondon their young after they are born leaving them with a food source for the young to eat until they've learned to hunt for themselves. Nope,their young are pretty self-sufficient. Sometimes they eat their siblings in the womb. Contrary to what some people think, nurse sharks do not nurse their young.

What makes a zebra be a mammal?

The fact that it is warm blooded, and the ability of female Zebras to nurse their offspring, makes it a mammal.

Why do you call camels camels?

Because camels are camels

What are a camels feet called?

a camels foot it called a camels foot not a hooves prehistoric camels may have had hooves but present day camels do not so a camels foot is called a camels foot

Are there camels in Botswana?

if you see that it have camels it have camels and if you don't see one it don't have camels...........................maybe..............

What is a row of camels called?

A row of camels... :)