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Q: Do carpenter ants and harvester ants look alike?
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Does carpenter bees and blackjack bees look alike?

Yes. They look alike but aren’t the exact same. If you look, there are tiny details that are different that your miss.

What do carpenter ants look like?

Carpenter ants can appear dark brown, yellow, red or black in color. The males typically have wings and the queen measures anywhere from 13 to 17 millimeters in length.

Are red ants and black ants alike?

There are several thousand different types of ants around the world. Red ants are the second most common types of ants, they can be aggressive and are known to bite. Black ants also known as sugar ants, love anything sweet and will look for food wherever they smell it which can lead them to being in your house.

What is the same about butterflies and ants?

Well.......... try to picture an ant with butterfly wings...... it would look at lot alike wouldn't it.

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Wondering the same thing. I think they look so much alike, body and face.

How do you get rid of ants that are living in an area of a wall where your addition and original house meet that previously had bees in it?

It's best if you get an exterminator in to see if you have just ants or carpenter ants. Carpenter ants love rotten wood or moist places and can do a great deal of damage. The exterminator will have to look for the Satellite nest to destroy that first. It's true that just because you see a carpenter ant (black and much larger than other ants) can travel quite a ways but doesn't mean you have them in your walls. Go outside the perimeter of your house and if you have a woodpile (move it!) Check for rotten wood (near the ground and under eaves) and rotten areas on your roof and see if you can't repair it. Get some quotes on exterminators and be careful they don't try to charge you too much. Go onto: ASK: Pictures of carpenter ants If those ants don't look like the ones you have then go back on google ASK: How do you get rid of ants in the walls of your house? Good luck!

Is it good to have black ants?

We had huge black ants and found out they were carpenter ants. They are different than termites but can still cause structural damage to a home. We had an exterminator come out. He comes out twice a year now. We were lucky to find out where their nest was (neighbors tree). It was crawling with millions of them one night around midnight. It was like a horror flick. Google carpenter ants and see if they look like what you have.

Ant with wings?

Ants with wings... are just that, ants with wings. They evolve to move on to a new nest and build a new colony. Sometimes what you think might be an ant with wings is a termite or carpenter ant, or vice versa. But check out some pictures and you'll see the difference. But gnats don't look remotely like ants. Seriously...

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Koalas and pandas do not look alike at all.

When is look alike day?

National Look Alike Day is April 20th.

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They do not look alike. Each has a distinctive appearance.