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Q: Do carpenter bees and honey bees make different sounds?
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How many different bees are there?

There are roughly 20,000 different varieties of bee. The four major groups are * Honey bees * Bumble bees * Stingless bees * Carpenter bees

Can bees bore through drywall?

carpenter bees can-honey bees look for an opening.

How do honey bees get honey?

Honey bees get honey by sucking nectar out of plants. In the hive, this nectar is converted to honey. Different bees make different honey, so as you can imagine, there are a lot of different kinds of honey.

What kind of bees make their hive in a log?

Almost all common bees will do that, honey, bumble or carpenter

What is apid?

An apid is a member of the Apidae, a large family of bees, including honey bees, stingless bees, carpenter bees, orchid bees, cuckoo bees, and bumblebees.

What is an apid?

An apid is a member of the Apidae, a large family of bees, including honey bees, stingless bees, carpenter bees, orchid bees, cuckoo bees, and bumblebees.

Are sweat bees and honey bees the same?

No. Honey bees (Apis Meliferra) are a different species.

Can a building be tented to kill bees and what should be used?

If your building has honey bees; never kill them. They have stored honey and and the honey will melt free of the comb and draw ants wasps and other vermin. Call a bee keep and a carpenter to open the walls and remove all bees, dead bees, and wax comb. The carpenter can restore the wall and block access holes.If you building has yellow jackets, whiteface hornets, carpenter bees, what to use?Use a licensed exterminator.This is no job for the beginner.

How can tell bumble bees from carpenter bees?

Bumble bees are big fat critters. Some times they are mostly black. Carpenter bees look more like honey bees. The tell teal sign of carpenters is saw dust and holes in where you think they are living.

Are bumble bees and carpenter bees the same?

No. Different species. Carpenter Bees make a hole for their nest in soft wood. Bumble Bees either nest on the ground, or in a tunnel nest in the ground.

Why are hundreds of bees are hovering around embankment seems like honey bees?

It sounds like a typical swarm.

Do carpenter bees attack bumble bees?

Carpenter Bees do not attack bumble bees.