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Catalysts decrease activation energy.

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Q: Do catalysts decrease or increase energy required to begin a reaction?
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What does biological catalyst mean?

Enzymes are biological catalysts. This means they speed up a chemical reaction, but are not broken down or changed by it. They lower the amount of energy required for a chemical reaction to tack place.

What temperature change do you think would be required to increase or decrease the reaction time by a factor of 2?

all chemical reaction has to be thought of to be there

Do catalysts change during a reaction?


What are the benefits of catalysts?

lower activation energy required for chemical reaction to occur

How do catalyst's increase the rate of a chemical reaction?

catalysts essentially reduce the energy it takes to make a chemical reaction go (meaning they lower the activation energy, if you're familiar with that). catalysts are not consumed in the chemical reaction, so they can do this over and over again. also note: the effectiveness of catalysts (can) depend on temperature and concentration/amount

Are catalysts required for a chemical change to take place?

They are not essential to cause a chemical reaction.

Are enzymes affected by the chemical reaction they speed up?

Enzymes are biological catalysts. A catalyst speeds up a reaction by lowering the activation energy required. In other words a catalyst offers an alternative pathway to increase the rate of reaction- it is not consumed during a reaction, or affected.

How do catalysts effect the energy of reaction?

They lower the activation energy required for the reactions to take place

How do catalysts affects the energy of a reaction?

They lower the activation energy required for the reactions to take place

Do catalysts required a chemical reaction to take place?

No, a catalyst is used only to speed up a reaction. An example of a catalyst is Manganese.

What is the catalyst used for hydrogenation of oils?

Due to fast reaction and increase D20 value or Hardness and low quantity of Hydrogen gas used catalysts are required for the reaction to be usable , as non catalytic hydrogenation takes place only at very high temperatures

One of the ways that enzymes speed chemical reaction is?

They are organic catalysts. All catalysts will speed up a reaction by lowering the activation energy of the reaction, or the energy required to break certain atoms apart so that they can be reformed to make new products.