

Can cats taste sugar

Updated: 10/8/2023
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10y ago

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No, the have no tasebuds that allow cats to taste sugar in any form it is not geneticly reqired to taste sugar if your a cat.

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7y ago

No, but they would not normally be attracted to eating sweet things as they have no taste buds for "sweetness".

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What taste are cats un able to detect?

Cats are unable to taste sugar. The theory behind this is that cats evolved to gain all their nutrients from their prey, so never ate any sweet foods, thus lost the ability to taste such foods.

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That seems very odd as cats have no taste buds for "sweetness", so saturated sugar water and plain tap water will taste exactly identical to a cat.

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yes cause in 1808 a animal expert saw his cat eat chocolate. he then held an experiment and found out that cats have sweet taste buds. his name was Nick Poltour II. Cats doesn't have the ability to taste anything sweet, since there isn't any nutrient value in anything sweet. They exclusively eat meat. Meat doesn't taste sweet, therefore they don't need the ability. When cats eat ice-cream or cake it's probably for the fat. Though, in rare cases, cats have the ability to taste sweets. But it's still unhealthy for them. Their teeth can't handle much sugar.

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They could, but it is not ideal. If given cooked or processed meat as a treat, it ideally should be plain. Any flavourings included in the meat (if it is processed) could harm the cat. If home cooked, it should not do much harm, but a cat cannot taste sugar, nor does it need any in the way of nutrients.

Why can't cats taste sugar?

They don't have the appropriate taste buds and i don't know why else, I'm not even sure how someone would even know that without being a cat it doesn't make sense but, ya, they can't taste sugar because thy don't have the right taste buds (:

What will be the taste of sugar dissolved in water?

Also a taste of sugar !

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The sugar dissolves in the water and you taste the sugar

Why can't cats taste sweets?

cats cannot taste sweets because there taste buds are different from ours. we can taste salt,sweets,regular, and spicy. cats can only taste salt, and regular. :3 ^^_____^ '.'______ l l l l

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The sugar dissolves in the water and you taste the sugar

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I am pretty sure they taste sweeter in sugar.

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Neither taste good???!!!!!

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