

Do cats like to play with string?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Yes, most cats like to play with string, but a few do not.

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Q: Do cats like to play with string?
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Related questions

Why do cats play with strings?

because the string moves like their prey (mice,bird).

How 2 play with a cat?

well, some cats like string( because they look like mices tails) so maybe you should try that.

Why do kittens like playing with string?

Cats play with string because they are instinctively drawn to the movement of possible prey (rats, mice, lizards, and their tails).IMPORTANT: Cats should not be allowed to SWALLOW string, yarn, or tinsel. In some cases, this can lead to intestinal injury. Always supervise your cat when playing with string or yarn.

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Yes, all cats like to play.

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What does it mean when a cat talks to you _____________________ They meow for attention, or to be petted, or to be fed. One of my cats will walk underneath my desk, dragging a string over my feet, because she wants to to play with her with the string. And it works, because I do play with her by jerking the string back and forth and allowing her to catch it.

Why do cats eat string?

Cats are very playful, and they see string as a toy. Biting and chewing are some of the ways a cat will play with an object. However, you shouldn't let your cat eat string, or even play with string, due to health risks associated with cats eating string. String can easily get caught around or block up part of the cat's digestive system which, in some cases, can be fatal. It is also quite possible for the cat itself to get stuck or tangled in string even without eating it. Surgery is usually the most effective way of removing not only string, but also rubber bands, thread, etc. This can be costly. Also, DO NOT pull on string coming out of a cat's mouth or butt. This can cut intestines! if you see a cat with string coming out of a cat's mout or butt take them to the vet immediately.

Is hemp string bad for cats?

Any type of string is bad for cats. The string can get caught in their intestine tract and kill them.

What do cats want to mostly do for play time?

Cats love to chase things! Kittens can make anything their toy, string, hair ties and marbles make good toys. If you want to play with your cat just dangle something fluffy on the end of a piece of string in front of them.

What is cuter cats or worms?

well it is a tie! People love Cats! And people love dogs! Cats cuddle you and play with string and dogs play with you and have the cutest ears and faces! I would say dogs! but i depends on what you like.

Why do dogs like to play and cats don't?

They don't.. Dogs act like dogs and cats act like cats.

How do domestic cats like to play?

Domestic cats like to play with yarn or paper bags, and cloth and catnip.

Do black cats like to play with white cats?
