

Do cats take new born babies breath away?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Only in fairy-tales. That's just an old wives's tale, meant to get the other children to keep the cat away from the new born.

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Q: Do cats take new born babies breath away?
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Yes they get babies by the mom its how we got born !

Are cats babies born alive?

Yes, like every mammal cats are born alive.

Can cats hurt babies?

Only in superstition. Cats and babies get along good, and no, cats DO NOT suck baby's breath or kills it. So rest assured that you can let kitty near the baby without worring.

Is it safe to have cats around my premature son?

No it is not safe to have cats around your child, cats are known to accidentally smother infants because they are attracted to the smell of the formula or breast milk on your babies breath

Is it bad luck to have a cat near a baby?

No, it is not bad luck to have a cat near a baby. However, it is important to supervise their interaction to ensure the safety of both the cat and the baby. Cats are known to be curious animals, so proper introductions and boundaries are essential.

Where did the black cat originate?

If a black cat walks towards you, it brings good fortune, but if it walks away, it takes the good luck with it. Keep cats away from babies because they "suck the breath" of the child. A cat onboard a ship is considered to bring luck. These Superstitions? How is this an answer?

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Hairs on cats toung,they are used to restrain cats breath from scarring away the pray

Will your cat hurt your newborn if you take her kittens away?

No. Cats will not hurt your baby if you take her kittens away. Your cat may just not be fond of babies because of their noises, smells, or attention. But as far as I know most cats are fond of babies or at least tolerate.

Why do cats steal a baby's breath?

They don't - that's just an old superstition.

How do cats get oxygen?

They breath

Can cats have babies after having babies a week after?

yes it can happen but those cats can have birth defects.

The hazardous effects of cats around babies after birth?

Cats present no danger to babies. This is an old wives tale (a myth). People used to think that cats could "steal your breath" and kill you, and that they were especially dangerous to babies. Cats do not "steal your breath." They just like to sleep near (or on) sleeping humans, because they enjoy the warmth of the human body.The fact that cats often like to sleep near your head caused people to think that they somehow suffocated babies (and adults). Babies sometimes die of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). The family would find the baby dead in its crib, and the cat sleeping next to the baby. Because they could not come up with a scientific explanation for the baby's death, they would assume the cat had done it, when in fact, the cat was just an innocent bystander.No one really knows exactly what causes SIDS, but we doknow that it is definitely not caused by cats.