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Q: Do cedar blocks effective in killing moths?
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Do cedar blocks for moths expire?

Eventually, over time, the fragrance that comes from the cedar wood will become less. The oils and other moth-repelling substances will vaporize. Lightly sanding the wood may help to reactivate the cedar odor--but you would have to have real cedar wood for this to work.

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What is a good closet storage for a teddy bare?

I'm a little confused by this question. Is the idea to preserve the teddy bear? In that case I would recommend anything with cedar in it. You wouldn't have to get an entire cedar box, but most places that sell closet accessories sell cedar shavings or cedar blocks that you can pack with your bear. This prevents insect infestations like moths.

Does rosemary get rid of insects?

Yes, rosemary [Rosmarinus officinalis] is effective against insects. The herb or its oil particularly are respected as controls of mosquitoes [Culicidae family]. In that regard, they're as effective as is cedar [Cedrusspp] wood oil against moths [Lepidoptera order].

How do you prevent moths from eating wool?

You can store wool with materials that repel moths. Options include cedar and moth balls.

What are the benefits of a cedar closet?

Cedar closets can provide a nice, pleasant aroma when opening. And also the woods natural properties helps keep out moths as well as absorb moisture and odors.

What are moth balls good for?

killing moths

Why would one put chopped-up cedar boughs in a chest?

bugs don't like cedar, in old homes the closets are lined with cedar to keep moths from eating holes in there clothing.

What are the benefits of using cedar closets?

Using cedar when constructing a closet can help with keeping out pests such as moths, roaches, and rats. They leave an intoxicating cedar aroma and are found often in older model homes.

How do you stop moths from eating your sons bassinet without using moth balls?

Try cedar chips

How do you get rid of moths when moth balls and cedar do not work?

Patch the holes in your house. Don't leave doors open. Moths are attracted to light at night as well, so don't have a moth-accessable light in your home.