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Q: Do cedar trees grow in Oregon?
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Most types of forest trees have been tried at one time or another. Spruce, Cedar, redwood, Oregon, are a few that come to mind.

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What regions are cedar trees found?

Oregon, Washington, California, Montana, Idaho

What kind of oaks grow in Oregon?

oak trees

What types of softwood trees grow in the rain forest?

red cedar and teak

What are all the different types of trees that grow in Klamath Falls Oregon?

Well, this isn't just trees that grow in our Klamath Falls region, but it'll do. Alder, Apple and Pear, Ash, Aspen, Cottonwood, Poplar, Basswood, Birch, Buckeye, Buckthorn, California-laurel, Catalpa, Cedar, Cherry, Plum, Chestnut, Chinkapin, Cypress, Dogwood, Douglas-fir, Elm,Fir, Filbert and Hazel, Giant Sequoia, Hawthorn, Hemlock, Honeylocust, Holly,Horsechestnut, Incense-cedar, Juniper, Larch, Locust, Madrone, Maple, Mountain-ash, Mountain-mahogany, Oak, Oregon-myrtle, Pine, Redcedar/Arborvitae,Redwood, Russian-olive, Spruce, Sweetgum, Sycamore, Tanoak, True Cedar, True Fir, Walnut, White-cedar, Willow, Yellow-poplar, and Yew. the different types of trees that grow in Oregon include, Dawn redwood, spruce, maple, oak, ash and Birch trees. these grow here because of the constant rain and sun. Oregon has rich and healthy soil to help many variations of plants grow faster and healthier, so the more the merrier!! Thanks for the ?'s!

What kind of lumber is grown in Oregon?

The trees that are used are pine, fir, spruce ,cedar, hemlock, and others for YOU to look up

How long does it take to grow a cedar tree?

According to, cedar trees can grow approximately one foot a year and you can expect them to reach heights of around twenty feet.

Is red cedar a hardwood?

Cedar is hard wood. It is from angiosperm trees.

What are the orange growths on cedar trees?

Orange growth on cedar trees can be a fungus called Cedar-apple rust. This fungus usually will not kill a cedar trees but can be very damaging to an apple tree.

Is cedar vascular or nonvascular?

Cedar trees are vascular plants. They have specialized tissues that transport water and nutrients throughout the tree, allowing them to grow tall and thrive in various environments.