

Do cells have anything to do with organisms?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Yes, organisms are made of one or more cells.

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Q: Do cells have anything to do with organisms?
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What cells that belongs to the domain eukarya?

Eukarya is domain of all eukaryotes .

Both cells and organisms share the characteristics of life how are cells and organisms different?

Cells are smaller than organisms.

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Single celled organisms are examples of living cells that are organisms. Most other living cells are parts of living organisms, but could not survive long on their own.

What are Domains in classification system?

There are 2 main domains in the classification system. There is Eukarya and Prokarya. Eukarya has Eukaryotic organisms meaning that the cells have a nucleus and Prokary has Prokaryotic organisms meaning the cells don't have a nucleus. These a very basic cells that can live on there own with barely anything.

What are all organisms made of?

All organisms are made of cells.

Are all organisms cellular?

most organisms are many-celled organisms..they are not cells by themselves However, there ARE one-celled organisms. It is thought of that organisms ARE MADE UP OF cells. We need cells, if they don't have cells to fix the "wounds" or help with the repairs that plants or animals need.

What are organisms cells?

Organism cells.

There are many unicellular organisms In addition anything less than a cell is not alive What do these two statements imply about cells?

Cells are the basic units of life

What do we call an organism that consists of many cells?

Organisms composed of many cells are called multicellular organisms.

How organisms and cells are related?

both cells and organisms share certain characteristics, cells make you a complete organism.