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no, all fish except genetically altered ones lay eggs

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Q: Do certain fish species have the choice to give live birth birth or lay eggs?
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Do certain turtle species have the choice to give live birth birth or do all lay eggs?

It's eggs all around.

Which do not lay eggs?

Mammals do not lay eggs they give birth to live "babies" of their species.

How do reptiles that do not lay eggs reproduce?

Some reptiles give live birth. Others (in particular, certain snake species) actually keep the eggs inside their body until they are just about ready to hatch.

Where do chicken eggs emerge from?

depends on whether it's hen or a rooster! ---- Roosters do not lay eggs, or give birth for that matter. The only species in which the male of that species gives birth is the seahorse.

Do sharks give birth to young alive or lays eggs?

Both. Most do give live birth but some species lay eggs

Do Sei Whales lay eggs?

None of the whale species lay eggs, they all have live birth.

Do Sharks give birth or lay eggs?

sharks do not lay eggsShark species all lay eggs but some species retain their eggs inside them and give birth to live young when these eggs could be either. some sharks give birth and some lay eggs. it depends on what shark it is.Sharks give birth to live birthshark give birth to babiesthey give live birth unlike other cartiligious fishThey give birth live, by keeping their eggs in their bodies.

What non mammals give live birth?

You mean, what mammals lay eggs rather than giving live birth? The only mammals that lay eggs are the five species of monotremes: the platypus, and four species of echidnas.

Are snakes born alive or in eggs?

Either - it depends on the species. Some lay eggs and some give birth to live young.

Can amphibians have birth?

Almost all species of amphibians lay eggs.

Do snakes give birth?

It depends on the species. Most snakes lay eggs but some give live birth.

Do crocodiles lay eggs or give live birth?

Most, but not all, species of frogs are oviparous; that is, they lay eggs in order to reproduce. Some species of frogs give birth to live young, such as members of the African genus Nectophrynoides and other species found in the Andes and Central America.