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No, they do not. Only animal cells have glycogen granule to store energy.

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Q: Do chloroplast have glycogen granules
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Are glycogen granules living?

No, they are simple storage molecules.

What cellular contents are non living?

glycogen granules

What is the organelle that functions in photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis occurs in chloroplast, generally storage granules or vesicles does the nutrient storage function.

Stored glycogen granules crystals?

Cell CytoplasmThe cell cytoplasm contains various other substances and structures, including stored foods (glycogen granules and lipid droplets), pigment granules, crystals of various types, water vacuoles, and ingested foreign materials.Human A&P Lab. Manual -9th edition [cat version] Mariebpg. 44

What are the major functions of glycogen granule?

The major storage form of energy in animals is glycogen ,it is stored in glycogen granule . Therefore glycogen granules in muscle cell act as stores of energy , since muscle cells requires alot of energy to perform their functions.

What part has chloroplasts for making food?

i think the most important part of chloroplast is chlorophyll granules. because photosynthesis occurs these granules in the cytoplasm after using 2 ATP.

Stored glycogen granules crystals pigment?

Inclusion bodies

What is the function of glycogen granules in bacteria?

Our bodies way of storing carbohydrates.

What substnace is found insisde the chloroplast?

There are many substances.Some of them are ribosomes,enzymes,grana,starch granules,DNA etc

Where are glycogen granules located?

Glycogen is the long-term energy storage for animals and most of an animals energy is exerted through motility or muscle movement so it would only make sense for glycogen to be broken down (through hydrolosis) where it was most needed; in the muscles.

What is the function of glycogen granules in animal cell?

Glycogen granules form an energy or food store in mammalian cells. When needed, the glycogen can be broken down (hydrolysed) into glucose, which is used in respiration as a source of energy for the cell. For some background see:

What is the functions granum in structure of chloroplast?

The storage granule are membrane bounded vesicles containing condensed secretory materials (often in an inactive, zymogene, form). Otherwise known as zymogene granules or vacuoles. Granules found in plastids or in cytoplasm, assumed to be food reserves, often of glycogen or other carbohydrate polymer.