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yes they do but some are found in the state of Kentucky

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Q: Do chocolate diamonds come from outside the US?
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Where are the diamonds found?

The mineral diamond is found on earth where volcanic pipes have blasted it to the surface from where it is formed, deep within the earth's mantel. Diamonds have been found in India, Africa -- several countries -- Brazil, Canada, Australia and even in the United States. Geologists find 'trace minerals', including kimberlite, that may indicate -- about one in 200 times -- that diamonds are included in the volcanic situation. When water flows over the top of a diamond-producing volcanic pipe and tumbles diamond stones along, diamonds can be found in riverbeds, or at the mouths of rivers as they empty into salt water. When a productive volcanic pipe is located, the land owner may choose to mine the area for diamonds.

Where are diamonds found in the US?

You could find them in mines or inside of some rocks...Maybe at some stores, but they could be a lot of money!ARKANSAS.Crater of Diamonds,Murfreesboro, Arkansas

How abundant are diamonds?

Diamonds are actually one of the most plentiful substances on earth. In fact 130,000,000 carats or 57,000+ lbs worth of diamonds are dug up every year with another 220,000+ lbs artificially synthesized*. The reason they seem scarce is because those in control of the diamonds (De Beers mostly) horde them to create artificial scarcity and pump up the price thousands of times over. If all the diamonds in the world were to suddenly flood the market, CZ would probably cost more. *cited from Wikipedia

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What US state produces the most diamonds?

Arkansas is the US state out of which come the most diamonds. The United States just doesn't have the "right geology" to have diamonds as a natural resource. Diamonds usually come from or appear near (having washed out of) kimberlite pipes. The geology of the US is broad and breathtaking, but does not include much in the way of these unique geologic structures.

Does the word chocolate come from Switzerland?

No, the word 'Chocolate' comes to us from the Nahuatl word xocolatl : xococ, bitter + atl, water.

Which US state has diamonds?

You can find diamonds in Arkansas, in the Crater of Diamonds State Park.

Does the US import or export Diamonds?

The USA Only Imports diamonds, diamonds are not natural to the USA

What US states are diamonds found in?

Arkansas is the home to Crater of Diamonds State Park, the only option for finding diamonds in any US state.

How many blood diamonds do the US buy?

The United States is not in the business of buying diamonds, blood diamonds, or otherwise.

Are chocolate mills in US?

Yes, there are many chocolate mills in the US. The majority of these chocolate mills are on the eastern coast of the US.

How many diamonds are used the US each year?

About 80% of all diamonds mined are industrial diamonds, and these are the most commonly used diamonds everywhere. This use of diamonds is not measured in number of diamonds, but in tons.

Are conflict diamonds sold in the US legally?

Conflict diamonds from Liberia and Sierra Leone are barred from import by executive orders. It is difficult to identify conflict diamonds conclusively meaning that some diamonds sold int he US may very well be conflict diamonds.

Were is the best place to look for diamonds in the US?

You can pick up diamonds from the earth at the Crater of Diamonds State Park in Arkansas.

What is the chocolate consumpition of chocolate in the us?

$2.1 billion (US Dollars)