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they live longer in captivity but they aren't happy because they are whiped and beated so they will preform good on stage and then the people will make more money (im doing a report on this so i know all about it

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Q: Do circus animals live longer than animals in the wild?
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There are many reasons why plants can live longer than animals. One reason is that plants have thicker protective layers.

Do smaller animals live longer than bigger animals?

no, bigger animals have more bone so their stronger and can live up to foe's. smaller animals perhaps give out faster

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What is the basic need of animals?

Animals require firstly oxygen they cannot live without it for more than several minutes. They require water to live longer than several days.

Do animals in zoo live longer than animals in the wild?

It depens on what animal you mean some live longer in captivity and some live shorter lives in captivity, but normally animals have much better lives in Zoos some zoos that is. Not all Zoos treat animals well. But I have to say the NC Zoo is one of the best jkjk

How much longer do animals live in the wild than the zoos?

The median life expectancy of a 1-year-old dolphin in human care is about 25 years, which is about twice what it is for animals in the wild. So I'm guessing they live longer in zoos.

A animal that can out live a dog or cat?

Parrots, tortoises, horses are some examples of animals that generally live longer than dogs and cats.

What is the need of animations?

Animals require firstly oxygen they cannot live without it for more than several minutes. They require water to live longer than several days.

Do anaimals live longer in a zoo then a wild anaimal?

animals live longer in the zoo then the wild because there is a steadier food balance in a zoo than in the wild there is also not any predators in the zoo in the cage they are in.

How can animals effect human health?

Studies have shown that people who owns pets live longer than those that do not have pets.

Do humans live longer than animals?

In general, humans tend to live longer than most animals. This can be attributed to factors such as the complexity of our biology, advanced medical care, and lifestyle choices. However, there are some animals like tortoises, bowhead whales, and some species of jellyfish that can outlive humans.

What are some of the famous Circus Toys?

Children love the circus, so what better toy than a model circus parade. In the late 19th century, cages of animals were drawn by horses through the main part of town to announce the circus had arrived.