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Q: Do cirrus clouds produce precipitation
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Do cirrus clouds produce sleet?

Cirrus clouds do not produce precipitation at all.

Do cirrus clouds produce light snow?

Cirrus do not produce precipitation.

Which type of cloud forms at high altitudes does not produce precipitation and appears thin and wispy?

cirrus clouds

Which type of cloud is least likely to produce rain?

Cirrostratus clouds art the least likely to produce precipitation that reaches the ground. These clouds are often formed from cirrus clouds as a warm front approaches.

Do low elevation puffy cirrus clouds cause precipitation?

No. First of all, cirrus are high-altitude whispy clouds. Low-altitude puffy clouds are called cumulus. Cumulus clouds can occasionally produce a few drops of rain, but usually indicate fair weather. Precipitation is more often associated with stratus and cumulonimbus clouds.

What precipitation should a flight encounter when overcast cirrus cloud is reported along the route?

None. Cirrus clouds are not rain clouds.

Do cirrus clouds produce thunderstorms?

No, cumulonimbus clouds do.

Do clouds always produce precipitation?

No, usually only Nimbus clouds produce noticeable precipitation.

Which cloud type could not produce precipitation?


What kind of clouds are thin wispy and make ice crystals?

Cirrus clouds are thin, wispy and are composed of ice crystals. Cirrus clouds are the highest form of cloud, and do not usually cause precipitation.

Do cirrus clouds bring thunderstorms?

Cirrus clouds generally do not bring thunderstorms. They are high-level clouds composed of ice crystals and are typically associated with fair weather. Thunderstorms are usually associated with cumulonimbus clouds, which are large and dense clouds that can reach high altitudes and produce thunder, lightning, and heavy precipitation.

Can cirrus clouds form snow?

Cirrus clouds are high enough to be at a low enough temperature for the water droplets to form into ice crystals. However, Cirrus clouds are not precipitation clouds, so no snow or rain can fall from them. The clouds that can cause snow to fall in the right conditions are Nimbostratus and Cumulonimbus clouds.