

Do clouds get bigger

Updated: 9/17/2019
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How big are Neptune's clouds?

bigger than earth's

Are cirrus clouds big and puffy?

Well yes but i think that Cumulus clouds are even bigger and puffier.

Why do some clouds become big?

Some clouds become bigger because they hold more water. If the cloud was over an area with alot of water while it was hot outside, they will tend to be bigger then clouds over completely dry land in the cold.

Why do clouds turn gray when it rains?

this is to do with the clouds albedo (the amount of light they reflect) whiter clouds have more small particles whist dark clouds have less but bigger particles, this makes the white cloud more reflective as the particles have a bigger surface area

Does size of a cloud effect amount of Rain?

bigger clouds contain more rain

Why do clouds form before rain?

Clouds form when water vapor condenses into tiny liquid droplets. If enough condensation occurs in a cloud then some of the droplets will grow bigger and fall as rain.

Are nebulas bigger than earth?

Nebulas are interstellar clouds consisting of dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases. Nebulas vary in size, so some are bigger than Earth, and others are not.

Why water vapour in air plays an important role in heating and cooling of air?

So when they turn into clouds the water vapour condences into tiny droplets of water and it gets bigger and bigger it falls as rain

What are the 8 types of clouds?

There are 8 main types of clouds Cumulus clouds stratus clouds cirrus couds stratocumulus clouds altostratus clouds cirrocumulus clouds altocumulus clouds cumulonimbus clouds

Where do clouds go to?

Clouds are actually nothing more than water vapour (mist), carried on the wind. When the water vapour gathers into bigger droplets of water, it usually rains. A lot depends on temperature, with rain, snow, sleet, hail, being possible results.

How many cloud are there?

=there are 15 i have counted off of the internet so yeah i have also counted in the sky==here they are:==Cirrus clouds==Cirrostratus clouds==Cirrocumulus clouds==Altostratus clouds==Altocumulus clouds==Stratus clouds==Stratocumulus clouds==Nimbostratus clouds==Cumulus clouds==Cumulonimbus clouds==Mammatus clouds==Lenticular clouds==Fog==Contrails==Green Clouds=

Three types of clouds?

Cumulus clouds, Stratus clouds and Cirrus clouds