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Q: Do clown fish and bottom feeders eat the same food?
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Are algae wafers fish food?

Yes. Algae wafers are food that sinks on the bottom of the tank. it is food for some bottom feeders like cat fish. However, some upper or mid strata fish will eat it. Unless they're carnivores.

How do clown fish get water?

Clown fish can be eaten by any organism larger or more aggressive than the clown. Eels, octopus and squid, other fish such as triggers and groupers, even sea anemones just to name a few. Most ocean creatures are very opportunistic feeders and must be to survive.

What is a catfish food chain?

Catfish are all bottom feeders. Their food chain is phyto plankton (tiny plants), zoo plankton (tiny animals), then small fish.

What type of food does a clown fish eat?

In the wild they eat the leftovers from their adopted anemone, in captivity they eat fish food.

How do clown fish find food?

by seeing

Wild clown fish food?


How do vertebrate filter feeders obtain food?

Like all filter feeders, vertebrate filter feeders obtain food by filtering suspended food particles from water. The vertebrate filter feeders include various fish, flamingos, and baleen whales. Baleen whales use the baleen plates in their mouths to filter food, such as plankton and fish, from water.

Do clown fish eat other fish food?

Yes, they do actually.

What are some examples of symbiotic living in fish?

-Remoras and sharks. The remora gets food and protection, the shark gets cleaned by the remoras. -Clown fish and anemones. The clown fish bring food to the anemone. The clown fish in turn get protection. They are not harmed by the stinging of the anemone.

What is the food chain for the beach?

a food chain is a link 1- an shark eats a clown fish 2-clown fish eats algea 3-algea is bacteria

What is nemos prey?

He is a clown fish so he eats plants and fish food

Can fish see food in their tank after the light is turned off?

Fish do see better in the light than the dark, so it is better to feed them when the light is on the exception to this would be bottom feeders or catfish because they mostly sense their food using scent.