

Do cockatails talk

Updated: 11/14/2022
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12y ago

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Yes, they do talk, and whistle tones as well! Though its more comon for males to, only a small percentage of females can talk and whistle tones. Just knwo that if you really want to teach them you have to repeat the same word or phrase to them on a daily basis, if they enjoy hearing this word, you might just be lucky to hear them talk! And trust me when they learn't their first word they'll never stop saying it! <3

But rememeber: Even though they can talk, be sure that it won't be as acurate as larger birds, and the older they are the harder it is to teach them, but if you keep trying and repeating they're bounded to learn something!

But if you would like to learn more visit: It has lots of things you can learn about cockatails that could really help you in the future!

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Yes they are safe though they would rather prefer cocktail food. for parakeets the seeds are smaller because of their beak shape. For cocktails the seeds are larger to fit their beak. All in all its pretty much ok.

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Well if your thinking of putting them in the same cage, I don't think that's the best idea, Some people do put them in same cage, but its not safe or advisable. Only the same species of birds should be kept in the same cages, and generally get along with each other better. Parakeets are much more aggressive than cockatiels. they will aim for a cockatiel's feet and toes, pecking at or attacking them. Your cockatail can be severely injured and may end up with missing toes or other types of injuries. Parakeets also tend to over preen their companions. Your cockatail may end up with bald spots.Well I hope this helps, If you wanna know more visit: It has so much information about cockatails!

What is Spanish for talk?

Hablar = to talk. I talk = hablo you talk= hablas he/she/you formal talk= habla we talk= hablamos you all in Spain talk = hablais they/you all talk= hablan

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There are a pair of songs, "Talk, Talk" by Talk Talk (1982), and "Talk Talk" by The Music Machine (1966).

When was Talk Talk Talk created?

No Talking was created on 2007-06-26.