

Do comets orbit asteroids

Updated: 8/18/2019
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8y ago

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No. Comets orbit the sun.

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Q: Do comets orbit asteroids
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Do asteroids have a elliptical orbit?

No, comets do.

What orbit the Sun like planets do?

Asteroids, Comets

Do comets orbit mars and Jupiter?

No. Comets orbit the sun. Many asteroids orbit the sun in between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

How are asteroids and comets the same?

They both orbit the sun.

Do comets orbit the sun in elliptical orbits?

yes yes Yes, comets and asteroids usually follow elliptical orbit.

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What does the sun's gravitational pull keep in orbit?

Planets, asteroids, meteors, comets, moons (which are also in orbit around their respective planets), dust particles, interplanetary gas.

Where do comets and asteroids go?

Most "asteroids" are in orbit around the Sun, unless disturbed by gravity or collisions. Comets may orbit the Sun regularly, or be drawn in from the outer solar system and pass by the Sun on their way back out (hyperbolic comets).

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What do comets and asteroids not have in common?

Comets are Comets and Asteroids are Asteroids

Which celestial bodies orbit the Sun?

the asteroid belt, the kuiper belt, and the oort cloud.

How are comets asteroids and meteorites different?

Asteroids orbit the Sun between the orbits of the planet Mars and the planet Jupiter. Comets orbit the Sun on very elliptical orbits, originating from the Kuiper belt beyond the orbit of Neptune or the Oort cloud at the edges of the solar system. Comets are also usually (but not always) icy bodies that give of gas and dust (a tail) as they approach and get heated by the Sun. Meteorites are bodies that were Asteroids or Comets that have hit the planet Earth and landed on the surface.